Thursday, July 31, 2008

vow of silence

Today I arrived at Saun Mukkh, which is a Buddhist silent meditation retreat center. It is located an hr. outside of Surratthani, which is in south Thailand. This monastery is an international retreat center for people wanting to learn Vippasanna meditation and Buddhism. It is located in the middle of a beautiful forest 1 1/2 km from civilization, so it is very quiet. Upon my arrival I was interviewed, and accepted. I paid my fee and received a key to my individual room, which looks like a cell, but it faces a lovely garden. In my room was an elevated concrete slab with a bamboo mat on it and a wooden pillow. I am to sleep like the Buddha. Hmmmmm.... I laid on it to try it out, and the pillow was very uncomfortable, but I got use to it, and it became a little comfortable after a while. I was given a sarong to use while I bathe from the water basin; Thai style. Everything is very conservative and simple here.
I was later informed by the staff that besides my daily morning karma: sweeping the breakfast hall for an hr., that I would also lead the 5 a.m. yoga classes for the 80 attendees. OK. This challenge to teach to a group who has taken a vow of silence will teach me to instruct with mindfulness and consideration to preserve the quiet and stillness within. It is the only opportunity I will have to speak in this retreat, other than to the monk from day 3-8 for 15 min. IF I have a problem.
I signed a contract saying I would kill no living things, i.e. mosquitoes, centipedes, ants, etc..., that I wouldn't speak, write, or read for the 10 days, wake up everyday at 4 a.m., and that I would be open minded to the Buddhist teachings, meditations, schedule, and lifestyle, even if it wasn't for me I would at least welcome the experience and try something new.
I can do that. :) 4 a.m. will be hard, but I can do it! Really I can, mom! hahaha!
The retreat center asked that we turn in all cell phones, I-pods, books, and journals, including any other distractions to the staff to be locked in a safe. I did.
The monks tend to an organic garden, and all of our vegetarian meals are from this garden. The food that is not eaten is given to the animals, and the peels and skins left over from the fruit is turned into compost and recycled back into the earth. :) Today for lunch I had coconut water with coconut meat chunks to drink, cabbage and cucumber, and vegetables with rice. It was delicious!
Deciding to do this retreat may seem unusual to many people I know, but I know I am meant to experience this, and after detox I feel ready to cleanse my mind and put it in a peaceful state. They say that if you want to form a new habit you should do something for 21 days for it to stick and take effect. For 7 days during my detox I woke up early, focused on my breath, did yoga and meditated everyday, so after this 10 days that will be 17/21. New healthy habits are forming. :D Oh, and although we cannot speak, we are encouraged to embrace life, become inspired by and notice the little things, and smile often.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ananda yoga retreat

I arrived in Ko Phangan yesterday and negotiated a cheap fare to the west side of the island from the pier. When I arrived at Ananda I learned that they didn't reserve my room, because they didn't receive my email. One of the cooks in the kitchen took me across the street to a restaurant and haggled a bungalow behind the resort in a beautiful garden for only $200 Baht, and I have my own bathroom, a fridge, and a fan. I was very grateful. The bed is really comfortable as well, so I'm pleased. The owner told me that since I had a beer the day before that I could not begin the 7 1/2 days cleanse that day, because I needed to eat healthy and prepare my body, which is what I did. My friends John and Deidre surprised me by showing up at the resort and booking a palace next door(a palace because it has air-con, a kitchen, and a bathroom with a tub!). They informed me that they were staying an extra 2 days just to hang out with me! :D
That night after my superb organic vegetarian dinner I had to go to the office and watch a video with the other detox beginners, on how to administer a coffee colonic. I was given a packet with info on the detox program, my schedule, and a lubrication cream for my own personal colonic tip and my anus. Yeah, I know, ewww!
Anyway, Last night after my video I followed John and Deidre to their palace, and I taught them Yin yoga. John is a black belt in martial arts, but he cannot do the splits, so I showed him some postures he could practice to prepare his body, and a little partner yoga. I know he can do it. Then I went to sleep, and woke up to the sounds of a women with morning sickness puking in the beautiful garden behind a Buddha statue.
The detox program at Ananda cost me 14,000 Baht.

Here is my detox schedule for the next week:
7:30 a.m. Shake(phyllium and Bentonite)[fibrous bulking agent that sweeps toxic buildup out of the intestine]
8:30 a.m. Yoga(Iyengar style)
9:00 a.m. Herbs (Nutrition and Chomper) [conditions and softens the mucous and plaque and to remove toxic waste from the alimentary canal, organs, and cells. Helps to strengthen the body and pathways of elimination]
10:30 a.m. Yoga is over. Go have a Shake(Psyllium and Bentonite)
12:00 p.m. Herbs(Nutrition and Chomper) and Carrot juice
12:15 p.m. Coffee Colonic
1:05 p.m. Shake
(phyllium and Bentonite)
1:15 p.m. Thai massage for detox(1 hr)
3:00 p.m. Herbs
(Nutrition and Chomper), Coconut juice, and herbal steam Sauna
4:00 p.m. Optional Yoga
4:30 p.m. Shake
(phyllium and Bentonite)
6:00 p.m. Herbs(Nutrition and Chomper)
7:15 p.m. Shake(phyllium and Bentonite)
8:15 p.m. Coffee Colonic
9:00 p.m. Herbs
(Nutrition and Chomper)
Flora Grow before bed
(provides healthy bacteria as it establishes itself in the bowels while supporting a balanced PH environment)

Day 1: I'm trying to get over my mental cravings to eat. My body isn't hungry because of the supplements. I feel good overall. The colonic session was weird. The power went out while I was in mid-treatment, so the emergency light came on. That didn't interrupt the in and out flow of the session, but it was weird to think that coffee was going in my rectum. They say coffee is the best detoxifying agent, and they say that through the rectum is the only healthy way coffee should enter your body, because it is absorbed by the veins in the portal system and channeled directly into the liver. The caffeine stimulates the liver and the gallbladder to excrete toxins, open bile ducts, and encourage peristaltic action of the intestines. It breaks down accumulated fat in the liver cells, encourages excretion of bile and removes gallstones, and cleans the intestinal walls. After my colonic session, which was a little gross, I received a lovely massage. The woman had a healing touch, and I noticed that when she pressed on my abdomen it felt tender. It has felt tender since my food poisoning episode in Chain Mai 3 months ago. I did not attend the optional yoga session at 4 p.m. because I feel a bit tired, and I suspect I will go to sleep early tonight if John and Deidre don't want to do something, since it's their last day on Ko Phangan. I feel really quiet and contemplative right now, and in my mind I think this detox will not only purge toxins from my physical body, but also old emotional baggage. I hear this experience can be very emotional. I look forward to getting all the junk out and feeling even more healthy inside and out. Some of the people I've met who are on day 7 have said the experience was amazing and very transformative. They are all glad they participated in this experience. I'm lucky to be in such a supportive atmosphere while enduring this.

Feedback: The man who cleans up the colema rooms after each use informed me that 2 people out of the group have unhealthy bodies, when I asked if I was one of them he said yes. That made me upset, because I don't eat a lot of meat, I drink plenty of water, and I exercise regularly. One of my grandmothers died from colon cancer, so I'm glad I made the decision to do this cleanse, because he described my stool as having some leathery rope consistency, which is a mucous plaque. This buildup can cause health problems over time. Also, I learned that in ancient times the digestive track was referred to as the emotional seat, so I'm sure this cleanse will definitely also be an emotional cleanse, besides a much needed physical one.

Day 2:
This morning I woke up feeling a little tired and weak, but as soon as I had my shake I felt better. The yoga practice and lecture at this facility is not to my liking. I find it too existential, and I think the two teachers have a lot of arrogance, and one of them I believe to be a sexual predator with the young cute impressionable women. So, I went to my porch and indulged in a lovely personal practice and meditation. I met an older Aussie with a killer headache, so I practice my Thai massage headache therapy on him, and he felt some relief, but with the detox a headache is normal in the beginning. On day 2 the body has 10 times the normal amount of toxins in the bloodstream. This afternoon as I was drinking my delicious coconut juice before my sauna session, I felt a sharp prick on my abdomen, and when I looked down it was a brown centipede! Those are very poisonous. I freaked out!!! I couldn't believe how fast those buggers can run. It didn't bite me luckily. What I felt was its sharp little legs clasping onto my t-shirt. After sauna I felt a little tired, so I went to lay down, and then the weak feeling developed into a headache. The coffee colemas are getting a little easier, but I wouldn't say I enjoy them, but I know they're good for me. Well, this experience is good for me overall, because I have a rash on my arms again, which I think is due to the sun, but the owner also told me it's my liver purging toxins, and that I have a lot to get rid of. That information is keeping me motivated to stick this out, but it's not too hard. I thought it would be.

Day 3: Today I woke up feeling a little tired, but after my shake I felt excellent. The other reason I felt great is because I got to hear from Mark. He called and had such wonderful things to say that I felt elated. All day, in fact, I've had loads of energy, and I've been in positive spirits! :) My personal yoga practice in the garden this morning, was again very beautiful. I felt so connected and authentic in my practice. I realized I needed this little boost, going on holiday, to reconnect me to life, love, and my inner light. I now feel like I have even more to share with my students when I begin teaching again. I feel grounded and supported by energy, friends, and god. After my massage I went into my bungalow to lay down and feel the pranic flow when something hit me: it donned on me that my beloved art that I've been hauling around with me from Angkor Wat, Cambodia was not in my space. Where was it? That jolted me upright immediately, and I ran to the last place I could have left it: The yoga resort restaurant. I inquired about it, and luckily they knew where to find it, and told me they would retrieve it and bring it to me tomorrow. Thank god! The art is rubbings of the Apsara women off the temples of Angkor, and is very sacred to me. I need to be more careful! So, now I have a little bit of a headache, but I just need to relax and breathe. In 20 mins. I go for my sauna, which is my favorite part of the day, in part because it is precluded by fresh coconut juice. YUM! I'm now obsessed by anything coconut! Also, I love saunas so much that I absolutely MUST find a way to have one in my future home! I've loved them since my travels to Scandinavia. Finland specifically! I asked the owner again what to do about the rash on my arms, which he believes has to do with my liver pushing toxins through my skin, and he told me to rub Bentonite on it, which is a volcanic ash from Thailand to further assist pulling the junk out of my skin, and to stay out of the sun for long periods of time. I will apply it after the sauna, and leave it to dry, and then 1 more application an hour before bed, and wash it off in the morning. I really want it to work! :) Although, this rash I've had for a while now. It's frustrating! I have lost a little weight, but that's natural with a program like this. Nothing shocking or unhealthy by any means. Day 3 means just about half way there! Yay!

Day 4:
I woke up feeling light headed this morning, but it was again resolved after having my shake. Today was fine overall, but after my massage I felt really light headed, and hallucinated a little, because she did some deep abdominal massage work using her elbow. That was immediately cured after I rested a few moments and then jumped in the pool to do laps. Right now my heart is beating a little fast, and I feel anxious. I'm just trying to breathe deep and relax as much as possible. I find today to be a little emotional like last night. The rash on my arms is still there, and on the Internet I looked it up trying to self diagnose. My unprofessional opinion is that it could be keratosis pilaris. I guess it mostly effects women, and is found in 40% of adults. Heat is suppose to help remove the unstuck hair follicle, so a sauna is very good, or warm tropical climates. I've had this for awhile. I read that it is non-curable. :( However, I can minimize the appearance by keeping the skin moist, using fragrance free or mild soaps, using creams or ointments ofter a bath such as: preparations containing alpha hydroxy acids or cream containing urea.
okay, well at least I have more to work with here.
Revelation: The coffee colema always makes me uncomfortable and a little anxious. Since the deep massage on my abdomen I felt strange all day. As the colema began I tried to focus on my breath. I used the mantra: Out with the old(exhale), in with the new(inhale). I started to calm. Then I heard my voice inside say: "I love you, Tracy." Suddenly I began crying uncontrollably! It was an extremely intense experience. Over and over this voice said: I love you, Tracy. I continued crying, and then my voice said: You are beautiful, I love you. Everything is going to be okay.
The crying persisted heavily. I was embarrassed that people in the nearby rooms would hear me so I put my hand over my mouth. Why I cried by my inner voice saying this to me I do not know, but I needed to release the suppressed emotions. I brought my attention back to my breath and mantra to calm myself. Over and Over. Finally the tears subsided. Once I was calm and my mind's focus was directed on my mind's eye(the point at the center of my forehead) to remain calm I received a vision.
The vision was of myself filled and surrounded by light. I was smiling. Then I heard my voice again say: I love you, Tracy. I started to cry again, but the vision remain in my mind. Even if I opened my eyes, when I closed them again there I was emanating light and smiling. I couldn't escape the image. Then the light encompassed me in an internal hug. I cried much more, and brought my attention to my breath until the crying subsided. Then The colema was finished. So much came out of me emotionally and physically. I spent a lot of the night very emotional: Crying, journalling, and meditating. I spoke with Mark on the phone afterward, he really calmed me down, and shed some light upon my experience. My sleep that followed was very deep and restful.

Day 5:
Today was really great. I had tons of energy, and felt really optimistic. My deep abdominal, foot, and head massage was lovely. I did not feel weak afterward at all. I hallucinated a little, but it quickly passed. In less than an hour though, I have to go in for my coffee colema, and I feel really anxious! My breath is shallow. I'm not consciously aware if it is due to a fear of emotionally breaking down again, but it might be. Although in hindsight my image and experience was gorgeous, it was still so very intense: my release, and it scared me.
I'm just trying to relax.

Day 6: I woke up feeling really angry, irritable, anxious, and emotional! I wanted to punch a punching bag, and when the owner asked me how I was I cried. Of course I excused myself to go to my room and meditate. I felt much better after that! :) I went to visit the owner in his office. He is a lovely older Greek man in perfect shape and is always smiling, who I find I enjoy seeing and speaking to everyday. He seems very genuine and caring. I asked him what is going on with me, how to deal with it, and I told him a little about the experience I had on day 4 in the colema room during the evening. He was very helpful. The rest of the day that followed was really good. I soaked up the heat in the sauna for an hour and a half, and the massage was gorgeous. The lady said I had a lot of healthy energy in my abdomen, and that she could easily feel my pulse everywhere she touched. That evening before the colema session I was not anxious for my first time. When I saw my favorite Aussie: John, he told me he requested a colinder for his session, which is a basket that catches all the junk, so you can see what's coming out of you. Immediately Carmen and I said simultaneously that we wanted one too, then we laughed, and high-fived. Yeah, we're dorks! I got to see what came out that night, and I must say: I look pretty healthy! :) When I tried going to sleep, I again had difficulty quieting my mind. I had too much energy! I sat up in bed and focused on my breath until I slipped into sleep, although it did take an hour.

Day 7: It's my last day! Yay! Well, tomorrow is a half day, but then I get to eat: Fruit. Today is my last day of fasting! Whoo-hoo! I did a lovely yoga session in the morning and had loads of energy. The day itself was nice and flowed well overall. In the evening there was a fire somewhere that emitted a strong smell of smoke too overpowering! It gave me a killer headache. My body is so sensetive right now. I just wanted to take it easy, so I went to the yoga lecture on concentration, but couldn't concentrate, because my head hurt so bad, so I left and laid on the bench by the pool and rocked my head back and forth on the wood to create a soothing massage. When I stopped I felt warm hands on my head, and the inflow of the healing reiki energy. I opened my eyes to see my beautiful friend Veerle(Belgium). I thanked her, and she continued until my headache was completely gone. Thank god! Thank you, Veerle. I want to learn Reiki! Always have. I then went in for my garlic colema. I used a colinder to see if any parasites came out, but thank god, none did. I drank my flora drink, and went to my room to be serenaded by the sound of croaking frogs from the pond. I find in the last couple days I'm tired, but have difficulty falling asleep, but I did fall asleep around 2 a.m.
I can't wait for fruit! :D My body had definitely lost weight. I look forward to the weigh in.

Conclusion: Today is the half day. I had a morning water colema to wash out the garlic, coffee, and etc..., then I drank a flora water which helps to rebalance my colon and intestine. What followed was my favorite part of the day: Fresh Watermelon! Yay! The first taste of real food in a week: YUMMY! John(Australia), Erica(England), and I all took excited pics of one another beaming with delight holding a fork full of this delicious fruit. John and I stayed in the restaurant chit-chatting, as we do. While Erica explored town with her friend, who I learned later was a very toxic person, and they are no longer friends. This experience does shine light on who you are and whom you will chose to surround yourself with. :) Then Lek(staff) brought out our papaya and mango drizzled with yogurt and topped with bee pollen. It was heaven! I felt my knees go weak and my heart melt with the first bite. Truly Divine! Lek warned us to eat slowly, and as previously mentioned: There's no teeth on your insides, so chew slowly to aid in your digestion, and stop when you're full.
Now my diet is in my hands. This whole experience has given me perspective on how I want to create nutrition and lifestyle changes. I'm optimistic and motivated. :)
WEIGHT: Before-163lbs/74kg After-154lbs/70kg So, I lost 9 lbs! I'm sure it will naturally balance out, but MY ideal weight is 150 for my height, which is 5'10ft. tall. My body feels a bit to thin in parts, but it will fill out with food as it should. :D I'm happy with myself as I am though.

Also, I look forward to the next adventure: my intensive 10 day meditation retreat. Doing a detox and getting all the emotional and physical baggage out of me has prepared me for that next challenge, I feel.
After meditation I get the opportunity to be a dula(the person who executes the birth plan to the hospital staff) to Nichole in Bangkok.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Koh Tao

Since I became an advanced diver I have been relaxing on Koh Tao. Yesterday was the world famous full moon party, which is one of the reasons young people come to the gulf central islands. The party was held on Ko Phangan, and I was turned off by the sound of it, and decided not to go. At first the idea seemed appealing, because I'm a curious person, and I do love a good party. But the party is swarmed with 25,000 people and has a reputation of robbery, bartenders or passer by's drugging peoples drinks with hard drugs, people shitting, pissing, puking, and doing-it in the water to the point of extreme pollution and dead fish flooding the beach the following morning. The party mostly consists of young adults in their gap year of college who want to get blitzed out of their brain, and I don't consider that to be a good time. So, I stayed on Koh Tao. It was quiet last night, because everyone was on the other island, the gov't elections were in progress, and there was a wicked storm. My friend Kelly was on Koh Sumui for work, so her husband Rhys and I walked to Sairee beach for the best seafood green curry in the entire world. Then we walked home in the rain laughing it up. Good times.
Tomorrow I leave for Ko Phangan, now that most people have left or will be in their hotels/bungalows recuperating from the madness. On Ko Phnagan is a yoga retreat resort which I'm indulging in for a week. There I will do yoga, meditation, and a detox/cleanse. The 7½-day program: It takes exactly seven days to cleanse the entire bloodstream by fasting, and seven days to thoroughly rid the lymph system of toxins. This program is comprised of seven days of fasting, herbal detox products, colemas to cleanse the colon, 7 one-hour Thai massages, and 7 visits to the herbal steam sauna...That's more my idea of a good time, because it will enhance my professional and personal practice, as well as rebalance my mind and body. To each their own. The next plan is to take an overnight ferry to Suratthani for a 10 intensive Vipassana meditation where I must commit to a vow of silence, service, and contemplation. I'm really looking fw to this! I hear that many people have difficulty sticking it out and leave 5 days in, but upon completion you have an option of allowing a monk to give you a traditional Thai bamboo tattoo. Also, I have to sleep on a concrete slab like the Buddha....Ok, that part I'm not looking fw to, but the experience sounds interesting, and god knows I love trying new things that force me to look at life in new ways.

Australia is no longer going to work out. I am disappointed, but I cannot force what is not meant to be. Although obtaining my visa was a piece of cake. Getting there has proven to be too daunting on my pocketbook. That trip is not affordable for me. Instead I'm using the money I have to spend on my travels in a productive and proactive way: Yoga, meditation, spending time with friends, being a dula to my friend during the birth of her baby boy, and indulging in a 1 mo. intensive Professional Thai massage program outside Bangkok through the Internationally renown and 1st ever Thai massage school: Wat Po. I look fw to seeing the people I love on and after Oct. 1st. :) The right will always surface if we are patient and open.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Koh Nang Yuan

When I arrived in Koh Tao, Rhys was at the pier waiting for me. He helped me get settled in a cheap bungalow, and we made plans to meet Kelly on the Pier at 3 p.m., since that is where she was getting dropped off by a boat from work. I really knew nothing of her new job, but couldn't wait to find out!
I napped, showered, and met them at the pier. We immediately went for a tropical drink on the beach at the Sea Mermaid Bar. Once we sat down Kelly asked me when I was going to get my advanced open water diving certificate. I told her I wanted to..... She said, "check this out! I now work as a dive instructor and underwater photographer on what's rated as 1 of the top 10 best dive islands in the world according to Dive magazine. It is the only island in the world where 3 islands are joined by a pristine ivory white sand beach, and you can have the best dive of your life anywhere around the island. The only thing on the island is a 5 star dive hotel with gorgeous views in every direction. I can hook you up with a free bungalow at this 5 star resort, and sneak you free food. The only thing you have to pay for is the course, but I can get you 20% off with my discount. The course is 2 days, but I'll get you the bungalow for 5 days, and you can snorkel, book extra fun dives, do yoga, and meditate in your free time. How does that sound?!" :)
What could I say to such a generous offer? I said: Yes Please! :D I want that more than anything. Thank you!
I'm sharing the room with her friend, who is a really cool Canadian girl, named Corrie.

I was given a book to study with hw to be completed before each dive. I also had to choose 3 specialties besides the required deep dive and navigation dive. I chose a night dive, naturalism, and underwater photography. Yay!

Yesterday morning I met Rhys and Kelly at the dive shop by 7:30 a.m. We boarded the boat with all of our equipment, and set off. I had to set up my own tank, which I haven't done in 10 yrs, and after being shown once I had it down! On the way out to the deep dive I started to feel anxious. I initially learned to dive to overcome a fear of deep water, and although I've been on 12 dives and my fear is much less, it is still there until I stick my head under the water and see the wonders and beauty of the ocean. You see, I get nervous when I can't see underneath the surface. I began to cry, and Kelly put her arms around me until I felt calm. Then I was excited for the new adventure, and I was happy.
We went down to 30 m/100 ft. for a max of 20 mins. I saw a free flowing moray eel, which is rare during the daytime, many different types of fish, a gray reef shark, and amazing corral and reef formations. Wow!
The 2nd dive was a navigation dive. I had to use the natural environment and a compass to know where I am at all times, and navigate under the water, which is a very useful tool to reduce anxiety, and to avoid feeling disoriented. I passed with flying colors. I noticed when I'm challenged that I put everything I have into the challenge and excel. Maybe I'm slightly competitive, or maybe I just love to be challenged to keep my mind sharp. ;) We navigated around 3 large underwater pentacles and saw amazing colorful fish and coral! We swam between narrow crevasses, and I mastered my buoyancy! My dad would be proud. I finally realized that I was naturally inhaling to go over the coral, and exhaling to gently drop down. That use to be the most difficult part of diving for me, and now I'm a fish! No gills yet though. ;)

When we docked the pier I learned that that night I was going on my night dive. Wow! I couldn't believe it. I was tired, but amped at the same time.
That night we suited up, loaded the equipment on our backs, and walked out into the dark water. We swam out to the reef and dropped down into the darkness. I wasn't scared at all. I felt like James Bond! I learned that if you cover your light and wave your hand around that you will create phosphorescent light in the water from the particulates that you stir up. I saw a free flowing moray eel, a black tip shark, hermit crabs the size of my head, 2 blue spotted manerays, beautiful coral reefs and little red worms attracted to the light that you could wave over the tubular coral and they would be devoured and spit out looking like steam. It was so cool! The current was strong though, and after awhile it was tiring.

This morning I met at the dive shop at 7:30 after a delicious 5 star breakfast. We grabbed our gear and headed off towards the s.w. part of the island. This was my favorite dive, and it was my naturalist dive, which is understanding and respecting the symbiosis of the underwater world and being able to identify the life that you see. I saw so many gigantic grouper fish(4 ft. long!), and I even saw an enormous Napoleon rasse. This site was so gorgeous and the visibility was excellent! Unbelievable, really. I saw so much. Yay!
On my last dive I swam around and took pictures. Unfortunately the visibility wasn't so great, but I got some lovely pictures. I think my favorite is of the anemone fish nestled in the purple anemone. He looks so happy. :)

I booked a fun dive for tomorrow at 5:15 a.m. for a feisty shark dive. At this time no one is out there, and the sharks are most prevalent and active. I can do this now as an advanced diver, and I'm only 13 dives away from being able to begin my master course, which I decided I will do. I LOVE scuba diving. There's nothing like being inside the mysterious and beautiful abyss.
My life is changed forever. I was thinking today that if I decide to go back to school I'd like to get my degree in ecology.... maybe. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thailand round 2

Wow, so returning to the lifestyle of Asian chic was quite a contrast from the poverty in Cambodia. When I arrived to Bkk I was absolutely floored! I met some friends on the bus: Daniella(German) who I shared accommodations with, and John(English). The 3 of us spent 8 hrs at our favorite mall in BKK: MBK. Yes, 8 hrs! This place is that amazing.
On the way to our room the 2ND day I ran into an Irish friend from Halong Bay, Vietnam, and invited her out with us that night. While I was getting ready Nichole's friend: Ingrid, contacted me and we all met up at 10 p.m., completely dressed up, and we went out to a bar for the 4th of July to an American cover band bar. I had a great time. I even befriended a 60 yr old bearded man who looked like a member of ZZ top, and invited him over to our table for drinks. He was intensely spiritual, I found out, and had lived in India for 20 yrs, amongst many other cool places. He was quirky and made my friends chuckle, but I liked him a lot, so much in fact, that he and I sat in front of my guesthouse talking until 5 a.m.

Ingrid and I met Nichole and Ben in the Women's facility at the BKK international Hospital for her monthly prenatal checkup. Her due date is Aug. 16Th! We drove to Hua Hin, about 2 hrs south, and stayed in Ben's father's house, which is a gigantic mansion in the middle of the jungle. This home was incredible. I loved staying there with the sarcastic English in a comfy room with Ingrid. We had A/C, a huge bed with clean sheets(no worries for bed bugs), a stream shower, clean water, and healthy food in the fridge! OMG! The next morning Nichole, Ingrid, Ben's new mother in law: LoLa, and I saw a cobra in the backyard, and a bird swooped down and tried to eat it, but missed. It was the 3rd cobra I've seen in the wild on my travels. :)
Us three girls cooked a 4 course meal for Steve(Ben's dad) and LoLa to show our appreciation. It was delicious. I was in charge of the Boiled Beef stew with veggies and dumplings. This took me all day! It was such a pleasure to have a kitchen to cook in, and have regular veggies that weren't fried.
I'm so sick of fried food!
The fresh salad was my favorite. :)
I enjoyed my time there with my friends, but the next day I needed to leave and meet some friends in Koh Tao, so us girls went out and got pampered at the spa, ate good food, shopped at the night market, and then they dropped me off at the bus by 11 p.m.

I arrived in Koh Tao at 9 a.m. tired but happy. Rhys met me at the pier and helped me get all checked in to an affordable bungalow on the beach. I took a much needed nap. He, Kelly, and I are all meeting at the pier at 3 p.m. for a day of fun. I met Kelly and Rhys in Nihn Bihn, Vietnam and traveled with them until Mui Ne, so for 3 weeks. They're my dive master friends who I'm very fond of. John and Diedre are here as well, and we're all meeting for dinner at 7 p.m. tonight. I'll probably move in with them to cut down costs tomorrow and throughout my travels to Ko Phangan and the full moon party(world renown chaos party on the beach).
Kelly is going to teach me Poi, which is fire dancing.
I'm looking forward to getting the partying out of my system before my yoga and meditation retreat in 2 weeks.
I'm happy, but a little concerned about Australia. The tickets there are so expensive!
I'll keep you all informed.
